Better with Age: Caring for Senior Pets

senior petsThanks to significant advances in the field of veterinary medicine, along with a greater understanding of generalized pet care, our pets are living longer lives than ever before. Although senior pets may act and look the same as they did when they were young, the reality is that certain changes are inevitable during the aging process.

We know that making your pet’s life as wonderful as possible during their golden years is your top priority. With extra attention paid to the areas of diet, exercise, comfort, and mobility, you can ensure that your best pal is happy and healthy, and enjoying the best years of their life!


New Year, New Pet Care Resolutions

A running dog mid-air with a stick in its mouthThere’s so much pressure to be the best. Luckily, pet owners can establish pet care resolutions for the new year that are actually attainable. We’re not talking about huge, life-changing goals. Instead, it’s the little things we can all commit to in order to provide the safest, healthiest lifestyles for our four-legged best friends.


A Spotlight on Pet Pain Management

pet pain managementMuch has changed about pet ownership over the last few generations. Today’s pets are enjoying substantially better health and longevity thanks to advances in veterinary care and a deeper concern for the wellbeing of animals in our society. Instead of focusing solely on healing injuries and extending the life of pets, veterinarians and veterinary staff are now committed to preserving the quality of life through pet pain management strategies.


Doing Your Part: Why It’s Important to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Hands forming a heart superimposed on a puppyThere’s no question that puppies and kittens are adorable. Who can resist “oohing and aahing” while watching a furry litter of youngsters tumbling about on the kitchen floor?

Allowing your pet to procreate comes with a significant responsibility, however. Before you consider leaving your new puppy or kitten intact, your friends at BEEVET encourage you to review the many compelling reasons to spay or neuter your pet early on in life.

Responsible Pet Ownership

One of the best reasons to have your pet spayed or neutered is to reduce pet overpopulation. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) estimates that between 6 to 8 million pets enter animal shelters each year, and of these, at least half are euthanized. By having your pet spayed or neutered, you are doing your part in combating this devastating situation.


Understanding and Caring for Your Exotic Pet

Green ParrotletFor people with a passion for the nonstandard, an exotic pet can be an appealing choice. However, exotic pets require a level of care that can be quite complex and specialized. Owner education and commitment play a significant role in the health of these unique companions.

The Basics of Exotic Pet Care

Whether your exotic pet is furry, feathered, or scaled, it’s important to recognize the same things that make exotics fascinating are also what make their care so unique. To provide the best for your pet, familiarize yourself with the following aspects of his or her health: Continue…

Preventive Pet Care: Supporting a Longer, Healthier Life

Closeup of cat face. Fauna backgroundMany of us procrastinate when it comes to scheduling our annual health exam, even though we all know the importance of preventive care. Like us, our pets also benefit from those annual (or biannual) wellness visits.

Wellness care is the foundation for a better, healthier life, and can even add a few extra years spent with your best fur friend.

The Importance of Preventive Pet Care

Pets are adept at masking signs of pain and illness. Even simple aging can impact your pet’s quality of life, and important signs go undetected when certain screenings and diagnostics are neglected. Cats are particularly skilled at hiding symptoms, which is why BeeVet Animal Hospital encourages twice yearly exams for felines (especially for those over the age of 6).

A wellness exam evaluates your whole pet from head to tail and establishes a baseline for your pet’s health. The focus on prevention is key. Your veterinarian will use a variety of diagnostic tools, such as a blood chemistry panel or urinalysis, to screen for a myriad of issues that would otherwise go undetected. Continue…