Avoiding Cat-astrophes This Holiday Season

cat waling pass fallen christmas tree and broken broken ornaments.

The holiday season is a time of joy, festivity, and togetherness, but it can also present hazards for our feline friends. Here at Bee Vet Animal Hospital, we’ve seen our share of holiday misadventures involving cats. Let’s look at some safety tips that focus on your cat’s well-being to keep the holidays merry for everyone.


What Are Some Safe Human Foods For Dogs

Two hungry dogs sitting at the table.

Pet owners love to share everything with their dogs, including food! As a pet parent, it can be tempting to give your dog a piece of the food off your plate as a small treat, or to show your love for them. Before you do, it’s important to know which foods are safe for your canine friends, and which could be potentially dangerous. 

Dogs metabolize and digest food differently than humans do, which is why some foods may be perfectly safe for them as an occasional treat, and some may be extremely toxic. The team at BEEVET Animal Hospital has put together this helpful list of human foods that are safe for your dogs, so you can give your pet a well-deserved treat and avoid a potential pet poisoning


Using Essential Oils Safely Around Pets

A tabby cat sniffing a diffuser

Essential oils are a popular way to use the power of aroma to stimulate both emotional and physical well-being. Their popularity has grown over the past twenty years and they are used in massage therapy, as well as naturopathy. Unfortunately, the scents we like so much may be toxic to our pet companions.

The team at BEEVET Animal Hospital takes a closer look at this alternative health therapy and gives you a pet friendly understanding of using essential oils safely.


What Is Xylitol and Can it Cause a Pet Poisoning?

A dog licking the peanut butter spoon

The fact that pets love treats works to our advantage most of the time. It sure comes in handy when we want them to do something, or if they’ve earned a reward. Unfortunately, the same powerful drive for food can also land a pet in some pretty hot water.

Take Xylitol, for example. Found in a variety of sugar-free candy, medications, oral hygiene products, and food, this artificial sweetener can cause a severe pet poisoning.


Poison Awareness: Common Pet Poisons in the Home

common pet poisonsIn case you haven’t noticed, your pet’s safety is our top priority here at BEEVET! In the past, we’ve covered important topics relating to pet safety with boating, holidays, and even the dog park. In honor of National Poison Awareness Week, March 18-24, our goal is to raise awareness about the many common pet poisons lurking in our homes, and educate pet owners on how they can best protect their furry friends.


Say What? Sago Palms and Pets

A bright green plant
It’s Pet Poison Prevention Week, and what better time to talk about one of the foremost dangers for Texan pets:  the Sago palm.

This toxic plant is all too common in our neck of the woods, and pet owners need to be aware of its potential dangers. Learn all about Sago Palms and pets and how to keep your four legged family members safe.

Identifying the Sago Palm

In order to avoid something dangerous, you need to know how to spot it. Do you know what a Sago palm looks like?

Sagos naturally grow in our climate and may be found in natural landscapes in the area. They are also sometimes used as ornamental plants. These palm-like plants aren’t really palm trees at all, but rather a member of the cycad family. They also go by the name of Coontie Palms or Cardboard Palms. Continue…