How Does a Pet Microchip Work and Does My Pet Need a Microchip?

Cute small dog getting microchipped.

No matter how much they love their home, your beloved animals may head out on a solo expedition through your neighborhood. Lost pets are so common that countless communities run Facebook groups that help pet parents reunite with their furry wanderers. And unfortunately, people do steal dogs, cats, and exotic animals. Pet microchips can reunite you with a lost or stolen pet.  


Meow-ouch: Signs Your Cat is in Pain

Human petting a sad calico Maine coon cat that is lying down.

You cat likely chirps, baps, or headbutts when she wants attention or food. But is your normally demanding cat queen forthcoming when she’s in pain? Probably not. Cats are hard-wired to disguise weaknesses that could make them vulnerable in the wild. Which means the onus is on the owner to spot the subtle cues of their discomfort.

We are consummate cat lovers at BEEVET Animal Hospital, and we take pain management seriously. We’re here to help you decode the signals that your cat is in pain.


Reasons to Adopt a Senior Cat

Senior cat.

Imagine an animal that knows exactly who they are and what they’re capable of. They are comfortable in their own fur, don’t make unreasonable demands on your time or attention, and appear out of nowhere to give you lots of love. Sounds like a tall order? Not for senior cats! They are among the most loving and lovable pets around, and they all deserve homes. If you’ve wondered if now was the time to adopt a senior cat, we’ve got some facts for the tipping point.


Do You Have a Scaredy Cat? Tips for Managing Cat Anxiety

An anxious white and gray cat.

Does your cat always run and hide when strangers come calling? Many cats do if they’re not well socialized. But does that mean that your cat suffers from anxiety? Our expert veterinarians have some answers for you.

What Are the Causes of Cat Anxiety?

If your cat is a rescue animal, it’s likely that you don’t know what he or she experienced before coming to live with you. If they were well treated, your new pet probably wouldn’t exhibit symptoms of anxiety. Poor treatment is only one possible cause of anxiety in cats, however. The following could also be contributing to your cat’s anxiety:


Just Breathe: Understanding Cat Asthma and Other Feline Respiratory Problems

Cat with asthma laying down under blanket.

Breathing problems in our pets are one of the scarier animal emergencies that an owner can experience. While there are many causes for respiratory distress in cats, feline asthma is a common offender. Cat asthma can be a serious condition of which pet owners should be aware. 


Scratch That: Alternatives To Declawing Your Cat

A vet places claw caps on a cat's claws.

When you are looking for the best in veterinary care in Texas, you know that you will get it at BEEVET Animal Hospital. Sometimes, though, what makes us the best lies not only in what we do, but also in what we don’t do.

As of June this year, we will no longer be offering feline declawing as an elective procedure. In accordance with AAFP guidelines, we have decided that this procedure is not in the best interest of our whiskered patients. So what’s a pet owner to do? Not to worry, there are so many things to consider before and as alternatives to declawing your cat:


Straight To The Heart: Heartworm Disease And Your Pet

A dog looks over his shoulder at the camera.

At BEEVET Animal Hospital, we want to arm you with the information you need to ensure that your pets are healthy and happy throughout the year. Heartworm disease is a serious illness that affects both indoor and outdoor pets. Without the proper prevention, even animals who spend a majority of their time inside are susceptible to this health issue.

Knowing more about heartworm disease, what causes it, and how to prevent it is your best defense against this common, yet preventable health problem.


When Your Cat Pees Outside the Box, It’s Time to Act

A cat licks its paw.

No one wants to live in a house that has been indiscriminately sprayed by cats. Their urine is concentrated with hormones, and packs a powerful punch of ammonia. And if they have a urinary tract infection, their urine can smell even worse. 

Certainly, not all cats that pee outside the box mean to. There could be various explanations why they do it, and an equal amount of possible solutions to this rather smelly problem.


From Purrrfect to Grumpy in 60 Seconds Flat: Breaking Down The (Many) Things Cats Hate:

An angry cat sits at a table.

Cats. We love them even when they give us dirty looks, swat away our hands when we try to pet them, and yell at us when we sit down next to them. Although sometimes it might seem like they simply tolerate us instead of fully returning our affections, there are many things that actually do rub them the wrong way. BEEVET Animal Hospital is here with a list of things cats hate so you can try to minimize their grievances and (hopefully) increase their moments of love and happiness:


Cat Hairballs: Normal, Until They’re Not

A cat cleaning itself. Cat hairballs can result from this normal and routine behavior.

With their almost in-your-face tidiness, cats make excellent housemates. But perhaps one caveat to this meticulous self-grooming is that all that fluff and fur has to go someplace. Usually cats can digest any hair picked up by their sandpaper-like tongues, but cat hairballs (yuk!) are bound to happen from time to time. 

Without a doubt, hairballs come with the territory of cat ownership, but there is a point when they can signal that something’s not right. 
