Essential Tips for First-Time Ferret Owners

white ferret outside on a leash.

Ferrets have endeared themselves to humans for many decades, and not just for their extremely high cute factor. Their super-smarts have led them to such incredible opportunities as running sound and lighting cables around Buckingham Palace prior to Princess Diana’s epic wedding. 

Part of the weasel family, ferrets got their name from the Latin word furittus, which means “little thief,” probably because of their natural affinity for stealing and hiding things. There are so many reasons to love ferrets, and our essential tips for first-time ferret owners give you some help if you’re considering bringing one into your home.


Why Is My Dog Eating His Poop? 

Pet owner scolding their Maltese dog at park.

Of all the quirky canine habits like butt sniffing and squirrel watching, dogs eating their own poop takes the cake as the least palatable among our pet parents. To answer the perennial question, “why does my dog eat poop,” the team at BEEVET Animal Hospital has compiled some key insights for you to consider, as well as steps for discouraging this less-than-appetizing behavior.


The Rudest Things You Can Do at the Dog Park

Dog owners with their dogs at the dog park.

Dog parks offer pooches the perfect chance to enjoy the great outdoors and socialize with other pets. We’re fortunate to have plenty of dog parks in Austin to choose from, and for the sake of everyone’s enjoyment, it’s important to always practice proper dog park etiquette.

Our team at BEEVET Animal Hospital has put together some pointers to help you prepare for your next trip to the dog park. We want you and your dog to set stellar examples for the rest of the pack!


Do You Have a Scaredy Cat? Tips for Managing Cat Anxiety

An anxious white and gray cat.

Does your cat always run and hide when strangers come calling? Many cats do if they’re not well socialized. But does that mean that your cat suffers from anxiety? Our expert veterinarians have some answers for you.

What Are the Causes of Cat Anxiety?

If your cat is a rescue animal, it’s likely that you don’t know what he or she experienced before coming to live with you. If they were well treated, your new pet probably wouldn’t exhibit symptoms of anxiety. Poor treatment is only one possible cause of anxiety in cats, however. The following could also be contributing to your cat’s anxiety:


From Purrrfect to Grumpy in 60 Seconds Flat: Breaking Down The (Many) Things Cats Hate:

An angry cat sits at a table.

Cats. We love them even when they give us dirty looks, swat away our hands when we try to pet them, and yell at us when we sit down next to them. Although sometimes it might seem like they simply tolerate us instead of fully returning our affections, there are many things that actually do rub them the wrong way. BEEVET Animal Hospital is here with a list of things cats hate so you can try to minimize their grievances and (hopefully) increase their moments of love and happiness:


Pets Need to Chew and Scratch: What You Can do About it!

Dog chewing his favorite toy.

A ripped up corner of the couch, a freshly-chewed pair of shoes, shredded tissues on the floor – these are all commonplace in the life of a pet owner, right?

We all know that dogs and cats love to chew and scratch, but these behaviors can quickly turn dangerous (and it’s annoying for owners). Learning the reasons behind these instincts is the first step toward finding a solution – and saving your home and property in the process!

The Need to Knead (and Scratch!)

Scratching is a deep need for all cats, and they do so for a variety of reasons. Scratching on a vertical surface is a way to stretch the muscles in their legs and paws. It also helps remove the outer nail sheaths, and it’s an important way to leave scent markings (cats have scent glands in between their paw pads). 


8 Great Ideas to Keep Your Dog Busy

A curious dog looking at the camera

If your dog spends their days by themselves while you are working, then they will naturally become bored. Dogs need things to do to wile away the hours and stay busy and focused on something other than chewing on the furniture or digging into your houseplants. Mental and physical enrichment are both necessary to keeping your Fido happy, healthy, and well-behaved.

If you have a bored four-legged friend, do not despair! We have some great boredom-busting games and activities your dog will enjoy. Here are a few of BEEVET Animal Hospital’s top eight ideas to keep your dog busy.


Why is My Pet Acting Like That? The Reasons Behind Aggression in Pets

A dog snarls and bares its teeth to the camera

When a pet acts in an aggressive manner, it can be disheartening. We may ignore or forget the behavior (it was a one-off occurrence, right?) or make excuses like they came from a bad home before us, someone did something wrong, etc. 

The bottom line is, when aggression in pets rears its ugly head, it’s important for us to ask why. Understanding what brings out aggression in pets is the best way to prevent bad situations in the future and avoid putting our beloved animals in an unfavorable situation. 


A Heartbreaking Decision: Surrendering a Pet and Alternative Options

A terrier laying in a crate

There are times in life when hard decisions must be made, and we cannot think of a more painful decision than whether or not to surrender a pet. This may seem like you’re the bad guy, but thousands of pet owners each year have to choose between providing a home for their pets or giving them up. 

Your team at BEEVET Animal Hospital understands how difficult it must be to be faced with surrendering a pet. Here are some recommendations and insights that can help you make an informed, compassionate decision.


What’s In Your Teacup? Toy Dogs and Their Needs

A toy dog breed is sitting in a white teacup against a white and gray background

Teacup and toy dogs have exploded in popularity in the United States, and it’s easy to see why. Not only are they absolutely adorable, it’s easy to think smaller dogs are ideal for apartments and other small homes. 

But while toy dogs have some unique needs, their care and keeping is similar to that of all dogs!

Caring for Toy Dogs

Exercise – Toy dogs may be small, but their exercise needs are not. These tiny friends need consistent daily exercise and play to keep them healthy, happy, and at an ideal weight. Talk with your veterinarian about how much exercise your toy dog should be getting each day. Avoid the temptation to carry your dog around in a purse or dog stroller – all dogs need the chance to move their bodies and experience the sights and smells of the world around them.
