Evidence-Based Approaches to Pet Wellness: A Vet’s Guide

dog at vet wellness check.

In an age of social media posts and internet forums, it can be easy to sway away from scientific evidence and into the anecdotal realm. Read on to learn more about BEEVET Animal Hospital’s advice to be sure that we are engaging in evidence-based veterinary care for the best pet health practices.


Dog-Friendly Outdoor Activities in Austin

social dogs with owners.

It’s not surprising that Austin is consistently ranked in the top 10 most pet-friendly places in the U.S. Not only do Texans love their pets, but we love to include them in all of our outdoor activities. Whether you’re looking for a new park, trail, hotel, shopping areas, or pet-friendly dining options, we’ve got you (and your happy-go-lucky pet) covered.


Wisdom in Scales: Elderly Reptile Care 101

petting a tortoise.

Having a pet by your side through the years is a wonderful feeling, and it’s one that isn’t diminished whether that pet has scales, fur, or feathers. When a pet is there with you through thick and thin, you want to give them the best. Elderly reptile care is a topic that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but BEEVET Animal Hospital knows just how important it is. Learn how to support your geriatric reptile in a way they deserve.


Spay and Neuter Aftercare Tips for Pets

pet post op care.

If you’ve never seen a pet come out of anesthesia, their appearance and behavior can range from perplexing to alarming. The first 24 hours can be relatively quiet, as they tend to sleep off the anesthetic. But to truly support a full, complete recovery from surgery, the days ahead are crucial. Before the cone comes off and the stitches are removed, we encourage pet owners to follow our tips for easy, straightforward postoperative pet care.


Husbandry Care for Small Pet Reptiles

a vet examines a bearded dragon.

Regardless of species, the basic needs of survival are pretty universal. Humans really aren’t so different from, say, reptiles. After all, we all need adequate nutrition and safe housing to live. Reptile husbandry refers to the specialized care of snakes, turtles, and lizards. To help them thrive in captivity, owners of these unique pets must create conditions that support healthy growth and comfort. 


Avian Pets: Bird Flight and Feather Care 

beevet veterinarian dr chow holding pet birds.

Birds of a feather may flock together, but do you know how to take care of a pet bird’s feathers? Proper care is essential for keeping your pet bird healthy and happy. The bird veterinarians at BEEVET Animal Hospital are here to help you with your pet bird, including sharing tips about feathers and how to care for them.


Avoiding Cat-astrophes This Holiday Season

cat waling pass fallen christmas tree and broken broken ornaments.

The holiday season is a time of joy, festivity, and togetherness, but it can also present hazards for our feline friends. Here at Bee Vet Animal Hospital, we’ve seen our share of holiday misadventures involving cats. Let’s look at some safety tips that focus on your cat’s well-being to keep the holidays merry for everyone.


Essential Tips for First-Time Ferret Owners

white ferret outside on a leash.

Ferrets have endeared themselves to humans for many decades, and not just for their extremely high cute factor. Their super-smarts have led them to such incredible opportunities as running sound and lighting cables around Buckingham Palace prior to Princess Diana’s epic wedding. 

Part of the weasel family, ferrets got their name from the Latin word furittus, which means “little thief,” probably because of their natural affinity for stealing and hiding things. There are so many reasons to love ferrets, and our essential tips for first-time ferret owners give you some help if you’re considering bringing one into your home.


September is Responsible Dog Ownership Month

lady with happy cats and dogs at home.

Our precious pooches enrich our lives in so many ways, from smothering us with slobbery kisses to sharing cuddles with us on the couch. Being responsible dog owners is the best way to show them your love back.

September is Responsible Dog Ownership Month, and our team at BEEVET Animal Hospital is here with some great ways to practice responsible dog ownership and celebrate your favorite canine companion all year long. 


Hedgehog Pet Care: From Habitat to Veterinarian Care

veterinarian holding hedgehog at beevet animal hospital in austin texas.

If you are interested in adopting a hedgehog, it is essential to learn all about their needs long before bringing one home. Initial interest in these curious creatures typically stems from their pint-sized cuteness, but to truly give them the best life possible, you should plan carefully and prepare. If you’re wondering about what it takes to provide for a pet hedgehog, you’ve come to the right place.
