Wisdom in Scales: Elderly Reptile Care 101

petting a tortoise.

Having a pet by your side through the years is a wonderful feeling, and it’s one that isn’t diminished whether that pet has scales, fur, or feathers. When a pet is there with you through thick and thin, you want to give them the best. Elderly reptile care is a topic that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but BEEVET Animal Hospital knows just how important it is. Learn how to support your geriatric reptile in a way they deserve.


Meow-ouch: Signs Your Cat is in Pain

Human petting a sad calico Maine coon cat that is lying down.

You cat likely chirps, baps, or headbutts when she wants attention or food. But is your normally demanding cat queen forthcoming when she’s in pain? Probably not. Cats are hard-wired to disguise weaknesses that could make them vulnerable in the wild. Which means the onus is on the owner to spot the subtle cues of their discomfort.

We are consummate cat lovers at BEEVET Animal Hospital, and we take pain management seriously. We’re here to help you decode the signals that your cat is in pain.


When to Say Those Final Goodbyes: Your Pet’s End of Life 

A dog cuddling with their human

All living things must pass, but it is particularly hard to face when it is a loved one. A beloved four-legged friend is as close to being family as they come. This is why when the time comes to let go, it can be hard for any of us to make that final decision. 

During your pet’s end of life, they may go through many changes. How do you know if they are in pain, or no longer happy? When is it time to say goodbye? We at BEEVET Animal Hospital are here for support and comfort, to explain when it may be time to let go.


When to Worry About Lumps and Bumps on Your Pet

A short-haired cat looking at the camera

A new lump or bump on your pet can make even the most experienced animal lover feel on-edge. So many things can cause a bump to appear and it can be hard to know when to worry and when to just keep an eye on things.

BEEVET Animal Hospital knows that pet owners rely on us to help them to know when lumps and bumps are something to be concerned about. We hope that you will call us when you are not sure, because sometimes it can be hard to tell. 

Lumps and Bumps Explained

Perhaps the hardest part about lumps and bumps on pets is that many different causes can result in similar-looking lesions. 

As a general rule lumps, bumps, growths, and swellings are caused by:


Why You Should Adopt a Senior Pet

You should totally adopt a senior pet.

There’s no denying the allure of an adorable kitten or puppy, but anyone who’s enjoyed many years with a pet knows that the “golden years” are some of the best. Young animals are certainly fun and raising them can be rewarding, but senior pets are equally (if not more) enjoyable to care for and be around.

Since November is Senior Pet Adoption Month, now is the perfect time to highlight all the wonderful benefits of adopting a senior pet. If you’ve been thinking about a new four-legged addition to the family, consider the following 10 reasons to adopt a senior pet!


Better with Age: Caring for Senior Pets

senior petsThanks to significant advances in the field of veterinary medicine, along with a greater understanding of generalized pet care, our pets are living longer lives than ever before. Although senior pets may act and look the same as they did when they were young, the reality is that certain changes are inevitable during the aging process.

We know that making your pet’s life as wonderful as possible during their golden years is your top priority. With extra attention paid to the areas of diet, exercise, comfort, and mobility, you can ensure that your best pal is happy and healthy, and enjoying the best years of their life!
