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Super Cute Pet

Bee iconPet Wellness CareDog and cat logo print icon

BEEVET Animal Hospital provides preventative wellness care for dogs, cats, and exotic pets. Wellness exams are extremely important for maintaining the health of your pet. They also provide an opportunity to catch health concerns before they become serious conditions.

Pet Preventative Health Care Exams

We recommend yearly exams for adult dogs and cats and bi-annual exams for senior pets. Preventative care exams focus on protecting your pet from illness. In addition, they establish a baseline for your pet which can aid in the diagnosis of future health problems. Our thorough pet wellness exams include:

  • Physical exam (head to toe evaluation)
  • Dental inspection
  • Blood tests
  • Nutritional assessment and dietary review
  • Fecal screening
  • Vaccination schedule review

Pet Vaccinations

dog standing up

Pet vaccinations are a safe and easy method to protect your pet from harmful and potentially life-threatening diseases. Our veterinary team makes recommendations tailored to your pet based on risk of exposure, age, and lifestyle.

Pet Wellness Care Packages

We offer a variety of discounted pet wellness care packages for animals of all ages. These packages bundle our recommended pet wellness services into one convenient, budget-friendly option. Click here for more information!

Pet Nutrition

Proper pet nutrition is a cornerstone of your pet’s health. As pets age, their nutritional needs change. Your pet’s preventative care exam provides the opportunity to review changes in dietary needs. We offer nutritional recommendations based on the results of the exam to keep your pet healthy. We also have a variety of prescription diets and supplements available in our pet pharmacy.

orange tabby kitten

Please contact us to schedule an appointment. We are currently accepting new clients and look forward to meeting you and your pet.