A terrier laying in a crate

There are times in life when hard decisions must be made, and we cannot think of a more painful decision than whether or not to surrender a pet. This may seem like you’re the bad guy, but thousands of pet owners each year have to choose between providing a home for their pets or giving them up. 

Your team at BEEVET Animal Hospital understands how difficult it must be to be faced with surrendering a pet. Here are some recommendations and insights that can help you make an informed, compassionate decision.

When It Is Time to Surrender a Pet 

When is it the right time to surrender a pet? If you ask this of people, you’d probably get a wide range of answers. For some, there is no such thing as a good reason, while others are primarily concerned with the pet’s welfare. 

Surrendering and rehoming your pet options

Some common reasons why pet owners surrender a pet:

  • Loss of income
  • Can’t have the pet in a rental property
  • Major residential move
  • Serious illness
  • Divorce
  • Can’t afford pet’s medical expenses
  • Behavior problems with the pet, like aggression or fear
  • Too many pets at home
  • Birth of a child
  • Recent incident with the pet, like a bite or attack

If you are in one of these situations, consider some of the following questions:

  1. If the surrender relates to income, is it a temporary situation? Can you get support for your pet’s care from friends or family?
  2. Can you rehome your pet temporarily with someone you trust?
  3. Have you discussed assistance with pet travel, if you have to move away? You don’t have to leave your pet behind. There are ways to safely transport them.
  4. If your pet is experiencing behavioral issues, have you tried to reach out to your veterinarian? They may have some solutions to behavior modification.
  5. Do you have a newborn? Kids and pets can have a safe and happy coexistence. Contact us for more information.
  6. The United States Humane Society and other pet charities are great sources of information, and even financial assistance. Have you contacted them?
  7. A bite incident doesn’t condemn your pet forever. Determine why the bite occurred and avoid risky situations. Have you considered options in training and socializing your pet?

If you have exhausted all of the options, or continue to have problems with an aggressive pet, it may be time to surrender them. The important thing is that you have come to the conclusion after investigating all of the options. Never abandon a pet – contact your local Humane Society or a no kill rescue. Try to avoid municipal and county shelters where they euthanize by asking around friends, family, and neighbors. 

Alternatives to Surrendering a Pet

You may be surprised, but you are not alone in this decision. Many pet owners are faced with hardships and need help with their pets. Thankfully, there are some options for you.

Local shelters and rescue groups may have a list of fosters who can help. If the issue is behavior, they may be another good source of low cost training classes. Your veterinarian will be happy to help you find and reach out to the right organization. And yes, many people are happy to adopt an aggressive pet, so do not feel like you have to lie to give them a better chance! 

If you are faced with a hard decision about your pet, we invite you to contact the friendly team at BEEVET. We want the very best for our pets and their families.