Do You Have a Scaredy Cat? Tips for Managing Cat Anxiety

An anxious white and gray cat.

Does your cat always run and hide when strangers come calling? Many cats do if they’re not well socialized. But does that mean that your cat suffers from anxiety? Our expert veterinarians have some answers for you.

What Are the Causes of Cat Anxiety?

If your cat is a rescue animal, it’s likely that you don’t know what he or she experienced before coming to live with you. If they were well treated, your new pet probably wouldn’t exhibit symptoms of anxiety. Poor treatment is only one possible cause of anxiety in cats, however. The following could also be contributing to your cat’s anxiety:


From Purrrfect to Grumpy in 60 Seconds Flat: Breaking Down The (Many) Things Cats Hate:

An angry cat sits at a table.

Cats. We love them even when they give us dirty looks, swat away our hands when we try to pet them, and yell at us when we sit down next to them. Although sometimes it might seem like they simply tolerate us instead of fully returning our affections, there are many things that actually do rub them the wrong way. BEEVET Animal Hospital is here with a list of things cats hate so you can try to minimize their grievances and (hopefully) increase their moments of love and happiness:
