Pets Need to Chew and Scratch: What You Can do About it!

Dog chewing his favorite toy.

A ripped up corner of the couch, a freshly-chewed pair of shoes, shredded tissues on the floor – these are all commonplace in the life of a pet owner, right?

We all know that dogs and cats love to chew and scratch, but these behaviors can quickly turn dangerous (and it’s annoying for owners). Learning the reasons behind these instincts is the first step toward finding a solution – and saving your home and property in the process!

The Need to Knead (and Scratch!)

Scratching is a deep need for all cats, and they do so for a variety of reasons. Scratching on a vertical surface is a way to stretch the muscles in their legs and paws. It also helps remove the outer nail sheaths, and it’s an important way to leave scent markings (cats have scent glands in between their paw pads). 


8 Great Ideas to Keep Your Dog Busy

A curious dog looking at the camera

If your dog spends their days by themselves while you are working, then they will naturally become bored. Dogs need things to do to wile away the hours and stay busy and focused on something other than chewing on the furniture or digging into your houseplants. Mental and physical enrichment are both necessary to keeping your Fido happy, healthy, and well-behaved.

If you have a bored four-legged friend, do not despair! We have some great boredom-busting games and activities your dog will enjoy. Here are a few of BEEVET Animal Hospital’s top eight ideas to keep your dog busy.


Why is My Pet Acting Like That? The Reasons Behind Aggression in Pets

A dog snarls and bares its teeth to the camera

When a pet acts in an aggressive manner, it can be disheartening. We may ignore or forget the behavior (it was a one-off occurrence, right?) or make excuses like they came from a bad home before us, someone did something wrong, etc. 

The bottom line is, when aggression in pets rears its ugly head, it’s important for us to ask why. Understanding what brings out aggression in pets is the best way to prevent bad situations in the future and avoid putting our beloved animals in an unfavorable situation. 
