DIY Pet Remedies: Are They Safe?

A black cat with golden eyes nibbles cat grass against a royal purple ackground

There is little doubt that it is the golden age of the internet, and for many of us, that means turning to a search engine or favorite website for answers is second nature. Using the internet to diagnose and even treat ailments in our pets is just as common, but the results aren’t always in our pet’s favor.

DIY pet remedies have their place, but only with guidance from your pet’s primary healthcare provider. And in some cases, certain treatments should never be home remedies! 

Let the team at BEEVET walk you through the pros and cons of DIY pet remedies, and how to make sure your pet gets the best possible care.


What You Need to Know About Online Pet Health Advice

A white dog wearing glasses in front of a laptop

These days, turning to the internet for answers seems as normal as breathing. However, things can get a little tricky when it comes to finding reliable online pet health advice. There are so many sources of information, conflicting opinions, and tons of websites promoting “miracle cures” in the form of retail products or recipes for home remedies.

Seeking online pet health advice can range from helpful to dangerous or even deadly. Because isolated symptoms can be indicators of many different health problems and much of what we read isn’t written by veterinary professionals, it’s important to know where to find credible information.
